DAVID FRANK "DAVE" DERBY ~ Class of 1966
July 24, 1948 - March 5, 2025

Dave Derby

David Frank "Dave" Derby was born in Anadarko, Oklahoma on July 24, 1948, to Bert Leroy Derby and Vella Alma Hill Derby. They lived in Apache, Oklahoma and moved to Richland in 1948 where Bert Derby worked as a machinist at J. A. Jones. David was the youngest child of three born to his parents. He had a sister, Dorothy Lee Derby Stevens ('50RIP); and a brother, Richard “Don” Derby ('53RIP).

He attended Spalding Elementary School, Carmichael Junior High School and Columbia High School, a true Richland Bomber, with the “Class of '66”.

David spent the summer month of 1967 working at Randle Ranger Station as a volunteer forest fire fighter, and then a year at Columbia Basin College. David joined the Army in February 1968. His basic training was at Ft. Lewis, Washington. That same year in September of 1968, he married Sandra Kay Miller ('66), and they had two children: Julie Estelle Derby ('90) and Bert David Derby ('93). David was sent to the U.S. Army Ordnance Center and School in Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. He was certified in an eleven-week course duration of welding and two weeks of Associate Instructor of welding. After this training he was deployed to Saigon, Vietnam from February 1969 to February 1970, serving as a Senior Welder at the Equipment Services Branch of Saigon Port for the 154th Transportation Company near Long Binh, Vietnam. While there, he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal.

After the Army he became a Letter Carrier for the U.S. Postal Service for eight years from 1971 to February 1978. He then started his career at Hanford working at Stores in June 1978. At that time, the company was Rockwell Hanford and later it became Fluor Daniel. He retired from Stores in 2008 after 30 years of service.

David enjoyed many wonderful years of fishing with his best friend, Greg Boness ('65), and also Greg’s brother, Kris ('68), out on the Columbia River at Paterson. He holds the record for being the first person to catch a Walleye from the Snake River. Dave grew up enjoying his friendship with all of the Boness family through his fond childhood memories and throughout his lifetime.

He enjoyed duck hunting, and he did some golfing also. Many fun memories of watching his brother, Don ('53), race at the West Richland Racetrack. David was involved in many happy Christmas and New Year's celebrations with the Stevens', Duncans and Broussards, laughing with his nieces and nephews. He enjoyed many get-togethers with his nieces, Vella ('71) and Terry ('70); and his nephews, Mark ('74RIP) and Bob ('74). Dave enjoyed watching his son, Bert ('93), play football, baseball and basketball throughout all his school years; and his daughter, Julie ('90), in softball, baton twirling, parades and Choir.

Dave’s pride and joy was when his daughter, Julie, blessed him with his granddaughter, Amanda Kay Derby, who works as a Deputy Sheriff in Oregon. Amanda has blessed her Grandpa Derby with his first great grandson, Carter, who is eight years old, and Dave has loved watching Carter growing up.

David’s son, Bert, was also blessed during his Afghanistan year in the Army, coming home to his son, Connor, making David a grandpa for a second time. Connor is 14 years old and has enjoyed many Christmas and birthday celebrations with his Grandpa Derby, plus many fun outings going to the Dairy Queen and having laughs together. Dave always enjoyed celebrating his grandson Connor’s math and Algebra grades, and he was so proud of him getting perfect scores in High School this year.

David was always invited to all family Christmas gatherings, Thanksgivings, Fourth of July celebrations and birthdays. David’s family and friends meant the world to him, and his fun afternoons at “Two Bits and a Bite” to raise a glass and relax with friends gave him happiness and solitude.

Life ended way too soon for all of his family and friends who miss him dearly, and his jokes and laughter will be with us all forever. You always sent your Angels for us, and now we are sending our Angels for you.

David’s living family are Julie Estelle Derby ('90), Bert David Derby ('93), Amanda Kay Derby, Connor David Derby, Carter Joseph Abbett, Vella Duncan ('71), Mike Duncan ('68), Gayle Duncan, Megan Duncan, Nora Duncan, Leroy Duncan, Terry Broussard ('70), Jamie Broussard, Jorgie Broussard, Pamela Stevens, Laura Stevens, Michael Glass, Robert "Bobbie" Stevens ('74), Benjamin Stevens, Nick Stevens, Anna Stevens Couch, Timothy Couch, Robert Couch, Franklin Couch, Arthur Derby, Dawn Marie Derby and Mary Derby.

David is preceded in death by Bert Leroy Derby, Vella Alma Derby, Dorothy Lee Derby Stevens ('50), Ralph Stevens Jr., Mark Leroy Stevens ('74), David Broussard, Richard "Don" Derby ('53), Bonnie Derby, Richard "Rick" Derby, Dorothy Sturgeon, Ruth Jack, Robert Jack, Jesse Franklin Hill, Nora May Hill, Frank Derby and Hattie Estelle Derby.

Celebration of Life starts at 1:00 pm on Sunday, March 23, 2025, at Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home in Richland followed by his Graveside Interment beginning at 2:00 pm at Sunset Gardens.

Express your thoughts and memories in the Einan's online Guest Book.

Bomber Memorial put together by Shirley COLLINGS Haskins ('66).