Richland Bombers
Future Class of '66
Jefferson Grade School
Sixth Grade ~ Mr. Ben Ashbaugh

Click the picture to see LARGER faces.
Picture provided by Jack Clark.

Future class of '66

BACK ROW: 1.ClifHoover, 2.MarcFranco, 3.JeffAlbaugh, 4.JackClark, 5.JohnLewis, 6.LauraCallen, 7.NancyBuslach, 8.Mr.BenAshbaugh.

THIRD ROW: 1.DianeSimpson, 2.MarshaFelts, 3.RichardStahl, 4.BarryWood, 5.DavidKiel, 6.CraigWyss, 7.MarilynHeriford, 8.DaveBuntain.

SECOND ROW: 1.DougConrad, 2.LoisWhalen, 3.MerilynSmith, 4.BrentThompson, 5.MikeHall, 6.DonFuqua, 7.JimVanWyck, 8.JohnWaggoner, 9.LindaEaton.

FRONT ROW: 1.RichardHope, 2.TomMcCubbin, 3.RobertJerman, 4.EdGragert, 5.ClintKelly, 6.CarolynBenoliel, 7.JaneArmstrong, 8.PamHunt, 9.RichardMarks, 10.MerrilBurke, 11.PaulWaggoner, 12.TimCorrey.

E-mail the webmaster with row and # if you have any corrections.

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Page started: 03/09/12
Page updated: 11/24/14
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